Your duties as a UK Company Director

Your duties as a UK Company Director

Atwal Financial has organised many UK company incorporations for clients in India and around the world so congratulations if you are a new company director! As the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility. But fear not. The following is a guide of your duties as a director.  What is a Director? For as long as… more

Setting new client servicing standards in India

Delivering More Ranjit is from the UK and the founding Director of Atwal Financial who has made New Delhi his home since 2013, previously living in Tokyo and Singapore. He places great importance on client servicing leading him to create a select group of advisers and partners. He regularly coordinates with his team to deliver services at… more

March 2020 Market insights on Indian equity by Funds India

Click above to see the monthly infographic market performance. We offer a combination of the most efficient investment platform, mutual funds that give great returns and seasoned advisors who help you manage your financial life. Cross-border wealth management & financial planning for individuals & businesses. The India Desk provides regional financial planning & business support through remote assistance for… more

COVID-19 Update • Equity Markets

The corona virus crisis continues with the World Health Organisation declaring it a global pandemic and you are probably aware that the situation is very fluid and things are moving rapidly, changing day by day.  The market decline came as the outbreak continued to spread outside of China; with Iran, South Korea and Italy reporting a surge… more

Ask Anna Pinilla about India’s opportunities

Why India? India is one of the fastest-growing economies and is projected to have the second biggest by 2028. It also has positive demographics with its youthful, educated & growing workforce that will help support its economic growth. India’s longstanding parliamentary democracy and liberal economic policies make it a safer destination than many other emerging markets. The… more

November 2019 Market insights on Indian equity by Funds India

Click above to see the monthly info graphic market performance. We offer a combination of the most efficient investment platform, mutual funds that give great returns and seasoned advisors who help you manage your financial life. Cross-border wealth management & financial planning for international clients. The India Desk provides local planning & remote assistance to client worldwide.

October 2019 Market insights on Indian equity by Funds India

Click above to see the monthly info graphic market performance. We offer a combination of the most efficient investment platform, mutual funds that give great returns and seasoned advisors who help you manage your financial life. Cross-border wealth management & financial planning for international clients. The India Desk provides local planning & remote assistance to client worldwide.