For property portfolios, we would select a suitable partner and manage your affairs accordingly. Through our network, we would select the most suitable manager depending on location.

For lump sums, regular savings or QROPS portfolios, the performance is typically dictated by the investment managers that are selected to manage your money. This will reflect your attitude to risk, time profile and targeted returns.

Leading fund companies

Investment choice is provided through a wide range of top performing funds from leading Fund Houses.

We will provide you with access to information from a variety of fund management groups (Investment Managers), both traditional and alternative. We can, of course, assist you in deciding what best fits your profile and objectives.

Do it yourself

You also have the freedom to make your own investment decisions if you so choose. Also, the entire fund universe is available as well as the investment freedom to build a diverse portfolio from equities, fixed interest securities, cash instruments, structured notes and collective investment schemes to name a few.

As you have the ability to buy/sell and switch at any time means that you can make your own decisions on how your money is invested and adjust the balance whenever you choose.

Portfolio Manager

It is also possible to appoint a discretionary portfolio manager who would independently manage a portfolio in accordance with the needs of the investor. The professional portfolio manager would use his judgment of the investment environment to allocate investors' money typically between global equities, bonds and cash with a view to providing consistent investment growth. They also provide you with a geographical spread of investments that, in itself, reduces risk and allows your funds to be directed where the investment managers see the greatest potential for growth.

Model portfolios

Another option would be to follow a model portfolio which is designed fit a client's objectives such as the risk-return attitude and range generally from a defensive, balanced and aggressive position. The model can be changed or adjusted to reflect investors on-going needs.

Please contact us for specific information regarding Investment Managers, Portfolio Managers and model portfolios. You can view all of their details such as asset allocations and performances.

Your Adviser

In all of the above cases, your adviser will facilitate in the setting up of the plan, product or service on your behalf and then we act as your intermediary with a view of fulfilling your objectives.

The adviser will then, in accordance with a client's wishes, select how the portfolio is managed.

In addition to having accessible information online round-the-clock, including the ability to access information on fund performance and up-to-date valuations, we will also send you a bi-annual summary of your holdings.